Sunday, June 04, 2006

The evolution of a crisis

I sincerely wished to desist from commenting on this topic as myviews are quite tangential from those which have been aired so far.However grant me the ramblings of an idle mind .
The concept of reservations and equal representation are a smalltenet of an inescapable aspect of human evolution into a thinkingspecies with an immensely complicated social structure. The solecause for this stems from an aberrant development of the humanbrain, which makes it think that it is the supreme being on theplanet that the earth and everything on it is meant for humansalone. From hereon developed our social structure with its multi-layered hierarchy. Contrary to what most people believe, and what isone of the more universally prevalent behavioral patterns innature ; humans are possibly the most altruistic species on theplanet. By this, I do not imply that everything humans do arealtruistic …they are definitely not, but that humans show morealtruistic actions than any other species on the planet. I do notbelieve that there is any other organism which concerns itself soclosely with the welfare and the survival of the entire species.Altruism in other species is restricted to the family , the group orin extreme cases the herd. Most organisms however are solelyconcerned with themselves and their progeny. Paradoxically, we arealso one of the more selfish species doing the rounds. As in manyother species , you will find in humans examples of individualsconflicting with others to gain dominion over the ecosystem. Thecomplicated bodily and mental makeup of humans along with theextensive social structure gives countless dimensions to thisselfish behavioral pattern. This constant conflict betweenaltruistic and selfish behavioral patterns finds an extremelyinteresting outlet in the present scenario of reservations in India.Consider an example. If an external environmental change threatenedthe welfare of an organism, most or all organisms would tend tomodify themselves physically, socially or genetically so as toenable itself and its progeny to combat the impending threat.Humans are possibly the only species, which tries to modify theenvironment to overcome the threat. Of course, in the present day wecan argue that we are so dominant over our ecosystem and so mentallyadvanced that this is an easier method for us; but for whateverreason the fact remains that we do so, that we are inherently madeto do so : and in doing so , not least in our reasons comes the oftsited " for the betterment of mankind".Again we humans are the only species, where as a rule rather than asan exception, the stronger sections are concerned with the welfareof the weaker sections. There is an inherent tendency within us toform social groups, but despite having done so, still be concernedwith the welfare of members of all groups. So strong is thisbehavioral pattern that it is only disrupted when a dire andimmediate threat is perceived to self and family, a phenomenon whichis mirrored almost to precision in the ongoing events in our countrytoday.I do not think any examples are required but still- just a few dayswe were all very concerned about genocide and HR violations inDarfur. For a moment, laying aside the humane aspect, is there anyreason why we in India should be concerned about events halfwayacross the globe : No , but we still are because that is how we haveevolved and for all of Ayn Rand's philosophising cannot change whatis an inherent trait to our species. I am not a Rand fan simplybecause I do not believe that humans can inherently display suchbehaviour.So , fortunately or unfortunately, we humans have this habit ofcarrying everyone in our train. It is our `duty' to uplift theweaker sections of our species. The result: we are a tremendousecological success having attained dominion over the entire planetbut evolutionarily we are slowing down , reaching a dead end or assome put it even going in a opposite direction. Agreed , evolutiondoes not work in a handful of generations but our evolution andsubsequent ecological success have robbed quite few of the basicrequirements of evolution. It is not my lot to discuss Darwinismhere as I have already deviated a lot but one final point isrequired . At the very core of evolution is a much derided wordcalled `Purge'. Evolution tends to purge species of the weaker andthe ill fitted for survival, ultimately paving the way for origin ofnew species. Quite paradoxically , evolution of humans hasinculcated them with this behavioral pattern of altruism whichappears to inhibit evolution itself. The result appears only to bethe imminent extinction of the species. It may not come within thenext 2 or 20 generations , but sure as an arrow, it is imminent.Before proceeding further let me emphasise that these views are notmy own but these are what we humans are . Secondly coming back toour main agenda of reservation in India , I am not for one momentsaying that there is any altruistic motive behind it. It is simplyone of vote-bank politics but the idea is drawn from age old humanideals of upliftment of the weak and equal representation of allgroups.History is replete with such examples. All the major religions :Christianity , Islam and Hinduism cite numerous instances of uniformrepresentation, not necessarily from weaker sections but from allsections of society . The 13 apostles were from diff areas andsects. The Argonauts came from all corners of Greece, the 9 gems inAkbar's court were all from different castes, religions and havingdifferent trades. These are not merely coincidences. Cutting back tothe present area , I can think of an all too obvious example in theforthcoming WC Football. If we were to concentrate just on merit (which in football parlance translates to exciting skillfulfootball), we should ideally be having only European , S Americanand possibly a couple of African teams. Why then do we have quotasfor all continents and bear with Asian teams which either depress uswith their sub-standard football or as in the case of S Korea , useFIFA's considerable backing to gain semi-final entries by the backdoor.On the present scenario in India, I have nothing but contempt forreservations …mind you , reservations of any kind, be it SC/ST,OBC , or have what you may. I think even the most vehement socialistwould ultimately agree that in spite of our best efforts wecannot ever completely eradicate economic inequality . Theeconomically strong translates in evolutionary parlance to a fittermodel more suited for survival by a better combination of `nature vsnurture' i.e. gene pool + environment. By our inherent altruistictendencies we try an improve the ill fitted , a concept I can stillreconcile with. However I do have very strong reservations againstthe horizontal fragmentation of society based on caste , religionand the likes , something that is a virus in the society and canonly serve to impede our progress and quest for excellence. Ibelieve we are civilised enough to at least stop the division ofsociety on the basis of these superstitious cultural beliefs .However I do not have much sympathy for the protesting groups eitherbecause I believe that their allegations and accusations are toomyopic and more importantly are based more on selfish motives thanon any fundamentally conceptual beliefs and philosophies. To sitean example, tomorrow when the UK and US denies visas to Indianstudents on grounds that they would settle down there and encroachon the employment of that nation's own citizens, I do not see anyIndian come forth to say that it the correct thing is being done.Rather, people behave almost as if a fundamental right of theirs isbeing snatched away. People protest in the name of reservationsagainst SC/ST and OBC's in the name of equality but noone is heardthat such a classification should be done away with in the firstplace. Unfortunately, you cannot have your cake and eat it too.There has to be some kind of consistency in your views.In my eutopian world, there would be no social divisions, noreligion, caste or countries. The entire humankind would work onlytoward one common goal…. Progress. The emphasis would be solely uponexcellence and nothing else would supersede it. However it is justwishful thinking…. it will never be. For humans are nor made toexist in that manner. Till then, que sara sara.


vishnu said...

hey man,saw u in the creative writing community,admired the piece u posted,so checked out ur blog too.anyways,totally agree with you on the notes of that Utopian world that you dream of.well, i don't think it's jus your dream,every other atheist and agnostic believes in that dream adn hopes to live in this insane world to see that day where there will b no religions,no castes,no disparities etc.loved the usage of the word progress.simple,i kno.but somehow reminded me of one of my work anyways:)

vishnu said...

hey man,saw u in the creative writing community,admired the piece u posted,so checked out ur blog too.anyways,totally agree with you on the notes of that Utopian world that you dream of.well, i don't think it's jus your dream,every other atheist and agnostic believes in that dream adn hopes to live in this insane world to see that day where there will b no religions,no castes,no disparities etc.loved the usage of the word progress.simple,i kno.but somehow reminded me of one of my work anyways:)