Saturday, June 21, 2008

Crazy little thing called ...Hope!

The most terrible thing to come out of Pandora's wretched box was Hope....far worse than all other maladies to ail the human race......brings you up with a soothing falsehood....and then drops you down into the depths of the nether world in such a manner that you are never able to rise from it again...or even desirous of trying to rise.....much better to live out our days in dark pessimism....

Would hell have any meaning if those that dwelt here dreamt not of heaven...I think not....and it is miserable hope that flings these rotten dreams to the inhabitants of hell.

What better than the black hands of Maglor to remind one of the promise and the unfulfilled hope of the light....Go forth then...sing in pain and wander the hither shores.


Took said...
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Took said...

D: It is only a ship of fools that never sinks...
A: Oh! If only to be wise were a choice...

no doc?!

aneesh said...

Even the wisest of the wise cannot see all ends....and even if they were to....not all our paths are bequeathed to us as choices.

Venusallure said...

Hope is good. The hope to end all is a very livid and vivacious hope. Hope to wish all and know you shall never attain it but survive on that is a very stubborn and alive hope. Hope to knock some sense into you is even further ambitious but very driven hope as well. :)
Hope gives a purpose so in other words Hope equates reason to live or reason to wait for your beloved angel.
Don't shoot down hope just yet for Pandora might be foolish but the creator of the box ain't. Hope staying in the box might be the only hope humanity has.

...Hopelessly hopeful Rup :D

aneesh said...

There ain't no purpose to anything...m'dear..nor any reason for aught....
...Death brings the only finality...and rids one of treacherous hope.

Anonymous said...

Even after death HOPE remains..
Hope is beneficeni never malefic..
...but it is the only Universal liar who never loses its Reputation for veracity

Anonymous said...

Even after death HOPE remains..
Hope is beneficeni never malefic..
...but it is the only Universal liar who never loses its Reputation for veracity

Venusallure said...

"Death brings the only finality" also a hope. :)

aneesh said...

Death aint a hope...its a cert.

Venusallure said...

Death being a FINALITY...Finality being the Hope not death itself...

loony girl said...

even pandora had hope left with her... it is hope that moves humanity...
nice post this one :)

aneesh said...

You KNOW ...that you'll die...and that you'll grow older in the process...and that it really doesnt matter ...coz when you do...people will carry on exactly the way they've done when you were alive....these are certainties!!!!

you'll live forever...or that you'll never age ....or you'll die young....or the flying spaghetti monster will bless you with a gazillion kids!

loony girl said...

very profound chain of thought this... and i shall do the tag right away.. had been rather unmindful over the past few weeks... so m really sorry!

Ankita said...

If i were asked to be anything,i would be hope.

aneesh said...
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Venusallure said...

ah...pishposh do you know "people will carry on exactly the way they've done when you were alive...." These are NOT "certainties!!!!"
These are hopes as well or thoughts. how do you know Death is a finality. It might not be. Growing old,and then eventually dying could be a process leading into the another realm where you start an even more stagnant cycle in this world.
AND "death is a finality" is itself a hope. IT IS IT IS IT IS!!!!

And who isn thier right mind hopes to live on forever???? I think that is not hope, that is a perception. People do hope to fall in louveeee and be with thier prince charmings and pop out even more retarded clones of themselves and hope that everyone else is as nearsighted and retarded as they themselves and parade thier nincompoopness along with thier spawns' nincompoopierness...Ok that might be just delusiona dn not hope and digressing from the topic at hand, but WHO wants to live forever???? and DEATH is not final that is my hope...I hope death leads to a different world, where the few qualified ones can reign havoc on this world and blowtorch the ants aka humans accelerating to that level is a hope...
well regardless life is short is my hope and death is final is also myhope so yes yes i am contradicting myself but not really....
Point to be noted, hope is just as elusive and retarded and as vast and infecting as Influenza virus!

aneesh said... are contradicting yourself...or at the very least conforming to all I

"The most terrible thing to come out of Pandora's wretched box was Hope....far worse than all other maladies to ail the human race"


"Point to be noted, hope is just as elusive and retarded and as vast and infecting as Influenza virus!"

Venusallure said...

by the way hope is the only thing that did not come out of the box hence hope...and this is all i can type for now with my current scenario and daymn this took good 20 minutes @$#%@$#%@ :x

and yes plato i did say i am contradicting myself...for the same reason your pointed it out ...tsk tsk!!!

nirvana demon said...

typically aneesh...
nascentes morimur.
there is some space, don't u think, for false wishes, and the imagination of a better dawn, however unfounded?