Monday, July 14, 2008

Queue to a Kill

Another gemstone from Puneet....messaged across from Jhansi railway station.....

I just witnessed the great 'Indian Railway Queue Rage'.....clenched fists , racing pulses , abuses on tongue tips....and eyes on the lookout for someone who is breaching the 'discipline' and usurping their rightful place in the queue. ....but not thinking twice , if they can do the same themselves.
Shouting , spitting , swearing...while the sluggish queue crawls...blaming the man behind the counter for all that is wrong with the world.
Too bad , a license is required to posess weapons , else India's population problems could've been sorted out at these queues.

....attaboy Sax.....just keep em' coming.


Ankita said...

he loves railway stations,doesn't he :)

aneesh said...

aye....not only that...he also loves traffic lights....busy hospital OPD corridors....overcrowded malls......
....all in all places with humanity at their 'worstest worst' no holds barred.

Unknown said...

if you want to see railway rage you need to be standing in front of the general compartment of kurla patna express in kalyan station ... if you have not seen that you are genuinely missing something ...

aneesh said...

haha..can imagine...but I've boarded Purushottam Exp....from Delhi...not quite general class...but 2nd class sleeper, and without reservation.....spent the night dalike a trapeze artist hanging between 2 for the general crowd rage...the lesser mentioned the better.

Unknown said...

Yes apparently his gems about railways are quite frequent...
...but regarding population problem...don't think fast as it would solve, with double the rate reproductive process of Indians would start after all they want to set records with roaches...


aneesh said...

Methinks...the roaches are a tad better.